Baywood Yard Sale
It’s almost summertime, and that means time for the Baywood Yard Sale, Saturday, June 1, 9 am- 2pm. This will be our 11th Baywood Yard Sale. This is a neighborhood favorite…clean out your closets, find hidden gems on a neighbor’s sales table, or just have fun catching up with old and new friends.
We promote the Baywood Yard Sale on Facebook, Nextdoor, Craig’s List and our website and we always get a great crowd of treasure hunters.
Our Baywood Yard Sale Marshall is retiring after this year. If yard sales are your thing, and you don’t
want to see the Baywood Yard Sale go away, please volunteer to help out with future Baywood Yard
Sales by emailing
How To Participate In The Baywood Yard Sale
Determine what goods you will be trying to sell.
Assemble a summary list of those types of items that will be in your sale.
Notify us of your interest to participate by sending an email to at least 5 days prior to the sale. Include the summary list of items, your name and address, email and phone number. Your name, email and phone number will not be published in our advertisements of the sale.
BNA Will
Collect your information and consolidate it with other sale participants.
Publish list and advertise the sale on Facebook, Nextdoor and Craigslist a few days before the actual event.
Use the information provided to generate a map of Baywood showing the location of each sale and make these available the day of the sale.
Helpful Suggestions
Price each item in advance of your sale.
Be prepared to make change. A suggestion would be to initially have approximately $40 in one- and five- dollar bills.
Be prepared for buyers to show up hours before the advertised start time of the sale. This can be annoying but manage this as you prefer. Remember the time of the sale has been advertised and there is no need to start early if you choose not to.
It’s likely that you will not be successful in selling all the things that you set out. There are organizations that will take donations for many of the things that you may still want to get rid of, some offering pickup. Examples of these include:
Salvation Army:
The City of San Mateo has a citywide yard sale, typically a few weeks after the Baywood Yard Sale. Find out the details closer to the date at Https://
As a last resort, Recology offers two bulky item pickups a year. Please go to for more information or to sign up for a pickup.
We hope you have fun cleaning out your garages and closets and meet a lot of great neighbors!
Your BNA Board of Directors