City Updates
Part of BNA's mission is to advocate on your behalf with the City of San Mateo. This can happen on individual issues (e.g. street reconstruction, traffic) or on broader topics (e.g. General Plan 2040).
We will be sharing the latest information with you on City issues of importance to Baywood as a community. An educated community is a community that can make its voice heard and contribute to making San Mateo the vibrant community of shared opportunities we all want it to be.
Please read the information we share, sign up for all the meetings, share your perspective and give us feedback on what else you think we should be doing.
Thank you!

San Mateo General Plan
San Mateo is updating its General Plan, which is the plan that expresses the community’s vision for how the City will look, feel, and change over the next 20 years.
It is critical that Baywood neighbors' perspectives and priorities are included as part of the City's General Plan. That is why we are sharing this information with you and encouraging you to sign up for meetings and share your opinions on the top issues facing our City and how you believe they should be addressed.
So far, as part of the General Plan process, the community has expressed that San Mateo should be: “a vibrant, livable, diverse, and healthy community that respects the quality of its neighborhoods, fosters a flourishing economy, is committed to equity, and is a leader in environmental sustainability.”
To achieve this vision, the General Plan will include policies that determine what can and cannot be built in the City, including new homes, new businesses, new parks, and improvements to our streets and sidewalks, and how this development will be served. The General Plan also includes actions the City will take to make the community’s vision a reality.
Every City in California has to have a General Plan to guide and plan for growth, change, and conservation over the long term, usually looking about 20 years out. State law says that General Plans must address many different topics that affect our daily lives, such as:
Where housing, businesses, industry, open space, schools, civic buildings, and other land uses will be located, and what density or intensity of use is allowed.
Where roads, truck routes, bicycle routes, walking trails, and public utilities and facilities will go, and ensures that the City’s infrastructure can serve the future development that is allowed in the General Plan.
Current and future housing needs for people at all income levels, and housing policies and programs to preserve affordable housing and build new affordable and market-rate housing to meet those needs.
How to protect our natural resources, such water, air, trees, and hillsides, and how to preserve and improve open spaces, including open space for recreation, for habitat, or for public health and safety.
Ways to protect residents from harmful or disruptive levels of noise, and to keep the community safe from natural and human-caused hazards, such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, and wildfires, including increased risks from climate change.
Improving the safety and quality of life for residents of neighborhoods to face a combination of both higher-than-average pollution exposure and social and economic challenges such as low incomes, language barriers, or housing instability.
These issues affect each of us in San Mateo every day. The homes, streets, parks, schools, and playgrounds in San Mateo today were planned by the people who lived here a generation ago. Those decisions and those plans are still affecting who lives here, who works here, who shops here, who drives here, and what kind of community San Mateo is.
Now it’s your turn to shape the decisions and the plans that will guide development for the next generation and make San Mateo a place that people will be proud to call home in 2040. YOU are one of the most important parts of the General Plan Update! Go to a neighborhood event, come to a meeting, send the City an email, get on the mailing list, and help ensure that the General Plan represents a true community-based vision for San Mateo.
Video 1:

Help & Resources for Those Affected by COVID-19
San Mateo County has a wide variety of resources and programs to help all residents get through the pandemic. Find easy access to important and updated information on the County's COVID-19 Resources web page or in 53 different languages by calling 2-1-1. You can find assistance with food, housing, childcare, rent, utilities, transportation, mental health services and more.
The City of San Mateo also maintains a list of resources for businesses and individuals who need assistance.

Masks Recommended While Indoors, Regardless of Vaccination Status
Due to the spread of the highly-contagious COVID-19 Delta variant in our region, San Mateo County & Bay Area health officials now recommend everyone wear a mask indoors, even if you’re fully vaccinated. Learn more in the County’s press release and find the latest updates at
Fully vaccinated people are well-protected from infections and serious illness due to known COVID-19 variants including Delta variants, and vaccinating as many people as possible, as soon as possible, continues to be our best defense against severe COVID-19 infection, and the harm it can do to our region. Vaccines are safe, effective, free, and widely available to everyone 12 and older.
Out of an abundance of caution, people are recommended to wear masks indoors in settings like grocery or retail stores, theaters, and family entertainment centers, even if they are fully vaccinated as an added layer of protection for unvaccinated residents.
Bay Area Health Officers will revisit this recommendation in the coming weeks as they continue to monitor transmission rates, hospitalizations, deaths, and increasing vaccination rates throughout the region.
Visiting City Facilities
Face coverings are required indoors for anyone visiting City facilities including City Hall, libraries and recreation centers. We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust our requirements as appropriate.